Sweet Potato Hash + Venison Medallions


We love eating this food variation in our household in the morning: some kind of starchy food, some good fats and protein. In this case it’s sweet potatoes, free-range eggs and some venison medallions. We’ve discovered that eating mostly protein, fat and some carbs in the morning keeps us satiated for a longer period of time, rather than a high carb meal in the morning to cause a rapid spike in insulin and drop in blood sugar.

Preheat oven to 400 F. Dice the sweet potato into small squares to esure a quicker cooking period. Coat a cast iron sheet or pan in either coconut or olive oil. Spread the diced sweet potatos across the sheet sprinkle sea salt and pepper if you like. Italian seasoning also tastes great with sweet potatos. Cook in oven for 12-15 mins until the squares soften. Break open free range whole eggs on top, apply some dark leafy greens like spinach, kale or arugula and place back in the oven for 6-8 mins.